For Time:
1,500/1,350 Meter Row
1,200 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
1,000/900 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
500/450 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
For Time:
1,500/1,350 Meter Row
1,200 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
1,000/900 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
500/450 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
- Workout brief:
- Resource Links: CompTrain Gym Resource Drive
- For today’s workout we want to encourage athletes to aim for strong effort knowing there is rest between each rounds . To complete under time cap, athletes must be done with first round by 14:00, second round by 27:00, and final round by 35:00. Provide these timeframe benchmarks for your athletes to help them adjust distances as needed to accomplish this.
- Row | Around 6:00 / 4:00 / 2:00
- Run | Around 6:00 / 4:00 / 2:00
The One | Teaching Focus
- Since we’re spending a lot of time on the rower today we can emphasize the mechanics of the leg drive on the rower. Help athletes understand that the rower is a lower body push before it is an upper body pull. Cue the athletes to drive the footpads away from and to extend the legs fully before pulling the handle.
- Reduce volume
- Sub machine
- Reduce distance
- Sub C2 Bike
- Sub machine
- If athletes need to substitute the run today, start by providing the modification of a C2 bike. If you don’t have access to C2 bikes, opt for the echo/assault.
- If you’re short on rowers you can pair athletes up and have one athlete begin on the rower and one on the run. The timeframes should be relatively close for the two movements.
Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes)(0-3)
- Refer to coaches stimulus notes
General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
General flow
- :30 each
- Samson stretch right
- Samson stretch left
- Tip toe stand & reach
- Knuckle drag
- Alt quad pull
- Alt knee hugger
- Jumping jacks
- Butt kickers
- High knees
- 200m run
Specific Warm Up (6 Minutes) (9-15)
- Row | tell, show, do, check
- :30 efforts with varied focus
- Help athletes our goal is to understand the rower as a lower body push movement.
- Legs only
- Legs + hips open
- Legs + hips + pull
- Pause @ catch
- Pause @ extension
- Full pull
Primer (6 Minutes) (15-21)
- 200/180m Row
- 200m Run
- Goal finish time- Sub 2:00
- Break
- Workout adjustments if needed
Workout (35 Minutes) (21-56)
Look For
- Run | Athletes leaning forward slightly to use their bodyweight to their advantage. Keeping the foot strike under their center of mass.
- Row | The leg drive. Finish the drive with the legs then pull with the arms. Encourage athletes to pause briefly in their extension before beginning the next stroke.
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (56-60)
Home Workout [DBs & jump rope]
For Time:
150 Double unders
40 Push ups
1,200 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
125 Double unders
30 Push ups
800 Meter Run
Rest 3 Minutes
100 Double unders
20 Push ups
400 Meter Run
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.” – Bill Watterson
“Satisfied” feels like a dangerous word.
As competitors, we’re always striving for betterment. Through an everlasting hunger to improve, we wake each day looking to press forward. Although a phenomenal quality, this can be a double-edged sword.
We can fall into the trap of telling ourselves, “I’ll be happy when”. I’ll be happy when I make this PR, get that job, or buy that home. Yet, the finish line always moves. As soon as we do reach that PR, we’re immediately turning to thinking about the next.
The call to action is to appreciate where we are today. To reflect not just on the “to improves”, but to reflect on the positives. The accomplishments. To be proud of where we’ve come from, and where we’re about to go.
After Party
3 Sets
12 DB mixed rack alt box steps
6 Each leg bulgarian split squats