
On the 3:00 x 3 Sets: 

3 Deadlifts 

* Start First Working Set at 80% & Build To Heavy 


5 Rounds For Time: 

12 Deadlifts 

9 Hang Power Cleans 

6 Push Jerks 

Barbell: (155/105) 

Time Cap: 10 Minutes 

REPEAT FROM 12/12/22



Buy-In: 30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

5 Rounds:

12 Deadlifts 

9 Hang Power Cleans 

6 Push Jerks 

In Remaining Time: Max Calorie Echo Bike



  • Workout brief: https://youtu.be/babh8DHWQ5s
  • Resource Links: Strength Cycle Details Coaching Strength Cycles in Class
  • We’re in week 2 of our deadlift for this cycle. Athletes should look to build on their set of 5 from week 1. If athletes didn’t complete week 1 we want them to target around 80% as a starting point and build each set from there. These are touch and go reps. In part 2 we have a well known CrossFit Hero workout and benchmark with DT.  The load we use in DT should be a light deadlift and then a moderate load for the hang cleans and push jerks. 

Teaching Focus 

  • Barbell cycling, today our teaching focus and our through line are the same. Focus on efficient cycling is a simple, actionable way for athletes to improve their performance on this workout. 
  • In the deadlifts, send the hips back first each rep
  • In the hang power cleans, cycle from a high hang for efficiency 
  • In the push jerks, use the receiving position of each rep as the driving position of the next 

Through Line 

  • Barbell cycling 
  • In the deadlifts, send the hips back first each rep
  • In the hang power cleans, cycle from a high hang for efficiency 
  • In the push jerks, use the receiving position of each rep as the driving position of the next 


  • DT
  1. Reduce load 
  2. Reduce volume 
  3. Sub DBs


  • In part 1, we can pair athletes up as they should have plenty of time to change loads if needed. As long as the lifts look safe encourage your athletes to climb each set during the 3x3. Pay specific attention to the speed of the bar. If the bar moves extremely quickly we know the athletes can challenge themselves a bit more. 
  • In part 2, bring attention to the fact that this is a Hero workout. It’s always encouraged to read about the individual or group the workout is written in honor of. 


Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)

Refer to coaches stimulus notes

General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)

General flow 

  • Get out barbells 
  • 2 Rounds 
  • :15 Scorpions 
  • :15 Alternating spidermans 
  • :15 Stagger stance RDL right 
  • :15 Stagger stance RDL left 
  • :15 Good mornings 
  • :15 Back rack elbow rotations 
  • :15 Barbell overhead hold (press up into bar)
  • :15 Back squats 

Specific Warm Up (13 Minutes) (9-22)

Hang clean 

  • Establish stance and grip
  • 5 Reps high hang 
  1. Focus on hard hips and fast elbows
  • 5 Reps hang
  1. Stick the landing to adjust receiving position


  • 5 Reps push press 
  1. Focus on timing of leg drive and then press 
  • 5 Reps push jerk 
  1. Focus on rapid turnover from dip to drive and then hard punch. 
  2. Stick land to adjust receiving and overhead position. 


  • Establish stance and grip 
  • 5 segmented deadlift 
  1. On the way up - Stop above the knee, stop at mid thigh, stop at lock out. 
  2. On the way down - hips back first to mid thigh, stop above the knee, stop at midshin. 
  • 5 deadlifts
  1. Focus on the shoulders over the bar in the set up 
  2. Focus on a straight bar path 

Strength (15 Minutes) (22-37)
  • 6:00 to build to workout weight
  • Every 3:00 x 3 sets 
  • Transition to part 2 

Primer (6 Minutes (37-43)
  • Practice Round
  1. At workout weight  
  2. 6 deadlifts
  3. 5 hang power clean
  4. 4 push jerks  
  5. Should be unbroken
  • Break
  • Workout adjustments if needed

Workout (10 Minutes) (43-53)

Look For 

  • In the deadlifts, send the hips back first each rep
  • In the hang power cleans, cycle from a high hang for efficiency 
  • In the push jerks, use the receiving position of each rep as the driving position of the next 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (53-60)


Home Workout  [DBs & jump rope]


5 Rounds 

12 DB deadlifts 

9 DB Hang power cleans 

6 DB Push jerk 

Time Cap: 10 Minutes 


"“The maxim 'Nothing but perfection' may be spelt 'Paralysis' .” - Winston Churchill 

The act of “starting” is all too often the most challenging.

As human beings, our survival mechanism kicks in when we approach change. It sounds the alarm, telling us we are in dangerous waters. We may find ourselves forecasting to the future, vividly conceptualizing the hardships, obstacles, and all the tough unknowns that path may bring.

This defense mechanism is amazing for avoiding predators. It can save our lives! But on the other hand… It can also prevent it.

Breathe into those thoughts that run through our mind when we approach change. Recognize them. Accept them for what they are. And then put them where they belong, because it’s time to get to work.

After Party 

EMOM 12 

Minute 1 - :45 Row for cals 

Minute 2 - :45 Bike for cals