"Escalation Clause"
20 Double Unders, 10 Sit-ups (Each)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
40 Double Unders, 20 Sit-ups (Each)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
60 Double Unders, 30 Sit-ups (Each)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
80 Double Unders, 40 Sit-ups (Each)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
100 Double Unders, 50 Sit-ups (Each)
Max Calorie Bike Erg
* 1 Athlete Works On Bike At A Time
For the Coach
- Workout brief:
- Resource Links: Strength Cycles in Class
- With 300 double unders in today’s workout we have a great opportunity for athletes to dial in technique, develop movement efficiency, and test their capacity. The rope is our skill challenge today while the sit ups should act as an opportunity to move consistently and get our heart rate under control before sending it you-go-i=I-go style on the bike. The bike should feel near maximal since we’re alternating work/rest with our partner
- Double unders - maintain 20 unbroken. :30 per 20 reps
- Sit ups - unbroken. :60 per 20 reps.
- Bike. Targeting 2:00 to work each set.
- Double unders. Focus on the following to increase efficiency and improve DU technique.
- Posture: Chest up, shoulders relaxed, and landing softly on the balls of your feet.
- Timing: Timing is critical for double unders. The jump should coincide with a quick wrist flick to create two rotations of the rope.
- Wrist Action: The main source of power for double unders comes from your wrists. Practice a rapid and coordinated wrist flick to increase the rope speed for those two rotations.
- Jump Height: Focus on jumping just high enough to clear the rope, as excessive height will create fatigue and make it harder to maintain a consistent rhythm.
- In the double under, keep the shoulders stacked over the hips.
- In the sit up, shoulders touch the ground and then pass through the hips
- On the bike, shoulders lean forward in order to use bodyweight to maximize power output
- Reduce volume
- Single unders
- Plate/line hops
- Reduce volume
- Reduce ROM
- Hollow rocks
- Band assist sit ups
- In today’s workout we want to manage the partnerships in class so that no athletes feel slighted or put in an uncomfortable position. Many people struggle with feeling that they’ll slow their partner down. It’s important that you provide proper modifications so that two athletes of very different levels can still partner together successfully in this workout. Athletes do not need to complete movements synchro, whichever athletes finishes the double unders and sit ups first will wait at the bike for partner 2 to finish.
- If you’re short on bikes you can stagger a start or sub in another machine and have athletes alternate what machine they use each AMRAP. If you need to substitute running for the bike it’s encouraged that you do so as 25’ shuttle runs so that athletes can alternate easily and keep score.
Lesson Plan
- Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)
- Refer to coaches stimulus notes
- General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
- 2 Rounds
- Get out jump ropes & abmats
- :20 jumping jacks
- :20 quad pulls
- :20 down dog to push up
- :20 single leg lateral hops right
- :20 single leg lateral hops left
- :20 bike
- Specific Warm Up (10 Minutes) (9-19)
- Double under | tell, show, do, check
- Focus on slight bend in the elbow with hands slightly down and in front
- Focus on tapping the legs as the feet jump
- Focus on double tapping the legs as the feet jump
- Focus on big jump with slow singles controlled at the wrist
- Focus on small, minimal jump with quick wrists
- :20 single, single, double, single
- Focus on rhythm control. Going back and forth from singles to doubles.
- :20 double under attempts
- 3 rounds of :10 sprints each
- Focus on reaching workout pace by 3rd round
- Primer (6 Minutes) (19-25)
- 20 Double unders
- 10 Abmat sit ups
- :10 Max effort bike each
- Break
- Workout adjustments if needed
- Workout (25 Minutes) (25-50)
- In the double under, keep the shoulders stacked over the hips.
- In the sit up, ROM - shoulders touch the ground and then pass through the hips
- On the bike, shoulders lean forward in order to use bodyweight to maximize power output. Athletes should be “sending it”
- Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (50-60)