For Total Reps:
3:00 on / 3:00 off
1. Calorie Row
2. Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
3. Shuttle Runs
4. Rope Climbs (15')
5. Calorie Bike Erg
For the Coach
- Workout brief:
- Resource Links: Monostructural Conversions Chart
- We have a classic interval piece today. With a 1:1 work/rest ratio we want our efforts to be very high. The first 2 minutes of every station should be on the high end of moderate with the final minute of each station feeling like high effort and hard pace. Work hard, recover, repeat! On everything but the rope climbs and box jumps, this workout’s modifiers are the pace the athletes are able to hold.
- Rope climbs: 1 rep every :30
- Since most of today’s stations are monostructural or very simple we can set aside significant time to teach the rope climb. It’s a great opportunity to give each of our athletes a unique modification that challenges them and gets them out of their comfort zone.
- On the rower, drive the feet into the foot pads to create power.
- BBJO, find a rhythm of using your step up from the burpee as your take off point for the box jump. Minimize extra steps.
- Shuttle run, eliminate stutter steps in the turn by turning the body around to face the opposite direction in your final step of the shuttle
- Rope climb, secure the foot lock, stand up all the way, then reach with the arms
- Bike, push and pull the pedals. Focus on the pull back of the pedals as you cycle
- Reduce height
- Step up
- No push up burpee
- Reduce height
- Stand to stand
- Jumping rope pull up with knee tuck
- Single ring ring rows
- Today’s workout is designed so that you can manage very large classes. If you’re limited on rowers, boxes, ropes, bikes or floor space you can start athletes at different stations. If you still need to accommodate more athletes after that you can also have a group working and a group resting at the same time.
Lesson Plan
- Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)
- Refer to coaches stimulus notes
- General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
- 2 Rounds
- :20 row
- :20 single leg controlled box step downs (right)
- :20 single leg controlled box step downs (left)
- :20 shuttle run
- :20 bike
- :20 alternating spidermans
- :20 glute bridges w/ pause
- :20 scorpions
- Specific Warm Up (10 Minutes) (9-19)
- Rope climb | tell, show, do, check
- Supinated (palms up) grip
- 4 Stand to stand
- 4 Jumping pull up with knee tuck
- Begins with hands extended above you on the rope. Jump so that your chin is level with your hands and then tuck the knees to the chest.
- 3:00 to practice progressions and teach footwork
- 2 workout movement rope climbs
- Primer (6 Minutes) (19-25)
- Establish flow for athletes
- :30 on / :30 off
- Calorie row
- Shuttle run
- Rope climb
- Bike
- Break
- Workout adjustments if needed
- Workout (30 Minutes) (25-55)
- On the rower, drive the feet into the foot pads to create power.
- BBJO, find a rhythm of using your step up from the burpee as your take off point for the box jump. Minimize extra steps.
- Shuttle run, eliminate stutter steps in the turn by turning the body around to face the opposite direction in your final step of the shuttle
- Rope climb, secure the foot lock, stand up all the way, then reach with the arms
- Bike, push and pull the pedals. Focus on the pull back of the pedals as you cycle
- Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (55-60)
Additional Elements
- Home Workout [DBs & jump rope]
For Total Reps:
3:00 on / 3:00 off
1. DB Man Makers
2. Burpees
3. Shuttle Runs
4. Alternating DB Snatch
5. Alternating DB Goblet Lunges
"Pain versus Discomfort"There is a common misconception about pain.Pain is not what we feel inside of a conditioning workout, or the tail end of a heavy squat set. Real pain is different.Pain is when we are walking through the garage and stepping on a nail. Pain is when we lose a limb. Real pain is when we lose a loved one. What we feel inside conditioning sets is not pain... It's discomfort. Training isn’t painful. It’s uncomfortable at times, but – it’s not pain. Let's use this as a perspective change as we enter today's training. Today, we’ll get uncomfortable.
4 sets:
1:00 push-ups
1:00 DB hang power cleans
Rest 1:00 between sets.
Use two DBs.