Power Clean
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
1 Power Clean
* Same Weight Across
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
6-9-12...Toes to Bar
Barbell: (135/95)
* Add 3 Toes to Bar Every Round
For the Coach
- Workout brief:
- Resource Links: Strength Cycles in Class
- We’re in the final week of our clean strength cycle today. If everything looks and feels good we’re looking to build on what we did for our heavy set of 2 from last week. Power or squat are okay, whichever you are more comfortable with. It’s encouraged that you continue whatever variation you’ve been performing throughout the cycle so far. In part 2 we have a DT spinoff. We want to manage our grip and effort on DT in a way that allow us to perform large sets on the TTB. Break before you’re broken on DT so that you stay in control of the pace.
- DT: Should be on the light end of moderate. Lighter than you’d do DT.
- TTB: 2 sets through the 12, then 3 sets or less after.
- Even though we’re performing a number of movements today we want to isolate our teaching onto the clean since we’re targeting a heavy 1 rep performance from athletes today. Focus on the following points:
- Set up with the shoulders over the barbell
- Driving the ground away with the legs, not pulling off the ground with the arms
- Timing. Full extension of the legs and hips before the arms pull.
- Fast and high elbows in the receiving position.
- In the clean, full triple extension before the arms pull.
- In the hang clean, cycle from the high hang if possible by creating maximum power out of a dip and drive without hinging significantly.
- In the jerk, small dip and rapid/aggressive drive.
- In the TTB, pull the hips to the bar then snap the hips aggressively to move the knees and feet toward the bar.
- Reduce load
- Reduce volume
- Sub DBs
- Reduce volume
- Hanging knee raises
- V-ups
- Leg raises
- In part 1, you can allow athletes to attempt a new PR if they look and feel good for the day. If they opt for this make sure they know to record their result as a 1x1 rather than a 5x1. Pair athletes as needed and call lifters on the minute in order to observe and provide feedback to every athlete.
- In part 2, set up your room so that athletes can transition easily, safely, and quickly from the barbell to the rig.
Lesson Plan
- Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)
- Refer to coaches stimulus notes
- General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
- Get out barbells
- 2 Rounds
- :15 Stagger stance RDL right
- :15 Stagger stance RDL left
- :15 Good mornings
- :15 Back rack elbow rotations
- :15 Barbell overhead hold (press up into bar)
- :15 Back squats
- Specific Warm Up (13 Minutes) (9-22)
- Establish stance and grip
- 5 Reps high hang
- Focus on hard hips and fast elbows
- Stick the landing to adjust receiving position
- Focus on timing of leg drive and then press
- Focus on rapid turnover from dip to drive and then hard punch.
- Stick land to adjust receiving and overhead position.
- Focus on moving the bar back and forth initiated through the lats and shoulders. Squeeze stomach, butt, legs, and feet.
- Focus on creating as much height as possible from the kip swing.
- Focus on timing. Reach the height of your kip swing before tucking the legs
- 5 TTB flick kick attempts
- Focus on timing. Athletes who can do knees to chest can attempt these by simply flicking the feet toward the bar after the knees reach the chest.
- Establish stance and grip
- 5 clean grip deadlift
- Focus on the shoulders over the bar in the set up
- Focus on a straight bar path
- Focus on timing. Full extension of the legs and hips and then shrug.
- Focus on hard hips and fast elbows
- Focus on timing and bar path.
- 10:00 to build to workout weight
- Every 2:00 x 5 sets
- Transition to part 2
- Primer (6 Minutes) (42-48)
- 5 deadlift
- 4 hang power clean
- 3 shoulder to overhead
- 6 TTB
- Break
- Workout adjustments if needed
- In the clean, full triple extension before the arms pull.
- In the hang clean, cycle from the high hang if possible by creating maximum power out of a dip and drive without hinging significantly.
- In the jerk, small dip and rapid/aggressive drive.
- In the TTB, pull the hips to the bar then snap the hips aggressively to move the knees and feet toward the bar.
- Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (58-60)