Today is one of our CompTrain benchmarks. Every single AMRAP should be performed at as high of a repeatable effort as possible. We don’t want 6 rounds in the first AMRAP and then for that to drop to 3 in the following rounds. This should be very uncomfortable, but not require forced rest. Attack the movements you’re more proficient in so that you can damage control the other movements. Full rounds in :60 or less.
Power clean. Light to moderate. Unbroken.
Push ups. Unbroken
Air squats. Unbroken, should feel like low-volume per set
Teaching Focus
Power clean
Teach depth, resetting, cycling, and emphasize the hip extension in order to save the shoulders today.
Through Line
Range of Motion
With today being a benchmark we want to emphasize the importance of full range of motion. This is not just important to ensure the integrity of your score, but more importantly for the purpose of increased performance and fitness.
In the power clean, elbows through in the receiving position and stand the bar all the way up.
In the push up, chest contact with the grown and full extension of the elbow on lock out
In the air squat, hips descend below the knee, knees and hips fully extended at lock out, shoulders over the hips at lockout.
Power clean
Reduce load
Hang variation
Sub DBs
Push ups
Reduce volume
Elevated surface push up
Air squat
Reduce volume
Squat to target
Ideally all athletes should have their own working station today where they can safely perform push ups and air squats directly behind their barbell in order to eliminate transition time. If you’re short on barbells and athletes need to share you can begin some athletes on the squats and have them work backwards.
Lesson Plan
Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)
Refer to coaches stimulus notes
General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
Tabata flow :20 on / :10 off
Get out bands
3 Rounds
Banded pull aparts
Banded good mornings
Specific Warm Up (12 Minutes) (9-21)
Push up | tell, show, do, check
Teaching progressions. Athletes should know what they’re doing for the workout after this.
5 Inclined barbell push ups
5 24’’ Box push ups
5 20’’ Box push ups
5 Full push up or workout mod
Focus on full ROM
Power Clean | tell, show, do, check
5 Reps position 1
3 second pause in the catch
Focus on hips back first in descent
5 Reps position 1
Focus on getting tall before pulling under
3 Reps power clean
Touch and go
Bar stays over middle of the foot
Air squat | tell, show, do, check
5 pausing reps
2 second hold in bottom
Focus on full range of motion standard
Primer (6 Minutes) (21-27)
Practice Round
1 full round
Targeting :60 or less
Workout adjustments if needed
Workout (27-47)
Look For
In the power clean, elbows through in the receiving position and stand the bar all the way up.
In the push up, chest contact with the grown and full extension of the elbow on lock out
In the air squat, hips descend below the knee, knees and hips fully extended at lock out, shoulders over the hips at lockout.