3 Rounds For Time:
30-20-10 Front Squats
600 Meter Run
90 Double Unders
Round 1 | (95/65)
Round 2 | (135/95)
Round 3 | (185/125)
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
KG |
Round 1 | (43/29)
Round 2 | (61/43)
Round 3 | (83/56)
- Workout brief:
- Resource Links: CompTrain Gym Resource Drive
- We've got a spicy little leg and lung burner today. Don't be fooled by the descending reps on the front squats, the meat of this workout is in the run and double unders which remain the same for all 3 rounds. Can you pace the first 2 rounds smart enough that you can kick it up a notch in round 3? Athletes that are not confident in big sets of double unders should pick sets that they can hit repeatedly under fatigue in order to complete the sets in 2:00 or less each round.
- Score | Time to complete work
- Front Squats | 1-2 sets
- Run | 3:30 or less
- Double Unders | 2:30 or less
The One | Teaching Focus
Lead with the elbows
- Today’s teaching focus will target the rack positon on the front squat. By cueing athletes to keep their elbows high it will result in an overall safer and more efficient squatting positon. Their torso will be more upright and their barbell will remain more over their center of mass.
Front Squats
- Reduce Loading
- Reduce Reps
- Sub Dumbbells
- 60-40-20 Air Squats
600m Run
- Reduce Distance
- Time Cap
- 750m Row
- 480m Ski
- 1200m Bike
- 450m Air Run
- Reduce Reps
- 135 Single Unders
- Plate Hops
- Reps of Singles & Doubles (Mix of Both)
- 1:30 Time On Any Machine
- Use one barbell for all 3 rounds, you can change your weights at any point during the workout, but you must change weights yourself.
Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes)(0-3)
- Refer to coaches stimulus notes
General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
General flow
- Get out barbells & Jump ropes
- :20 Mountain climbers
- :20 Scorpions
- :20 Downward to upward dog
- :20 Alternating spidermans w/ reach
- :20 Bootstraps
- :20 Squat hold and reach
- Holding barbell for support
Barbell flow
- :15 Goodmornings
- :15 Back squats
- :15 Elbow rotations
- :15 Behind the neck press & reach
- :15 Stiff leg deadlifts
- :15 Front squats
Specific Warm Up (12 Minutes) (9-21)
Double-Under | tell, show, do, check
- Hold the handles of the jump rope with a relaxed grip.
- The grip should be towards the end of the handles, allowing for better control and wrist movement
- Keep the elbows close to the body, pointing downward.
- Hands should be slightly in front of the body so that you can see them in your peripheral vision while looking forward.
- Focus on timing wrist speed
- Focus on wrist rotation and quicken the pace of the jump rope
- Focus on enhance footwork and coordination.
- :20 Single-Single-High Single
- Focus on controlling the cadence and wrist speed
- Focus on speeding up the wrist for the double
Front Squat | tell, show, do, check
- Shoulder-width stance
- Hands just outside shoulders
- Loose fingertip grip on the bar
- Elbows high (upper arm parallel to the ground)
- Midline is braced
- Focus on high elbows in set up and hold
- Focus on hip initiated squat while maintaining high elbows
- Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position
- Focus on leading with the elbows as the athlete stands
- Focus on elbows high throughout the rep
- Focus on hips initiating the squat
- Focus on weight in the heels
- Build to workout weight 1
Primer (6 Minutes) (21-27)
- 3 Front Squats @ Weight 1
- 10 Double Under
- 3 Front Squats @ Weight 2
- 10 Double Unders
- 3 Front Squats @ Weight 3
- 10 Double Unders
- Break
- Workout adjustments if needed
Workout (30 Minutes) (27-57)
Look For
- Double Under | Good positioning. Athletes hands should be down and slightly in front of them. Cue athletes to spin quick with the wrists. Cue athletes to jump straight up and keep from tucking or piking their feet.
- Front Squat | High elbows. Cue athletes to “lift their elbows” throughout the rep. Cue athletes to “keep the elbows away from your knees.” Cue athletes to squeeze their stomach to keep their midline engaged.
Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (57-60)
Home Workout [DBs & jump rope]
3 Rounds For Time:
20 DB Front squats
600 Meter Run
90 Double Unders
Time Cap: 30 Minutes
“Let character be your loudest statement.”
The chef puts on an apron.
The accountant brings a suitcase.
The football player wears shoulder pads and a helmet.
These are all identifiables that may come to mind when thinking of those individuals.
What are yours?
Are they materials, or is it something else?
Let character be what defines you.
Humble, Hungry, Unshakeable.
After Party
For Quality
15 Wall walks
100 Abmat sit ups
Partition however