
For Time [38 Minute Cap]: 

4,000/3,600 Meter Bike Erg

2,000/1,800 Meter Row

100 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 

Performed As Intervals: 

2 Minute Work 

1 Minute Rest

KG | (22.5/15)


For Time [38 Minute Cap]: 

4,000/3,600 Meter Bike Erg

2,000/1,800 Meter Row

250ft Handstand Walk (25' Sections)

Performed As Intervals: 

2 Minute Work

1 Minute Rest


  • Workout brief: https://youtu.be/TquxMsZxaho
  • Resource Links:  CompTrain Gym Resource Drive
  • Today’s workout is a unique and fun Interval style of 2:00 on and 1:00 off. With this kind of workout the stimulus is high-output and a hard work rate since we have the rest built in. This is a “chipper” style interval workout. Athletes will remain at the station for however long it takes them to complete the assigned work.  Athletes should be able to get at least 1k/900m on the bike, 500/450m on the row, and 20 snatches within the working intervals in order to finish. The time cap of 38:00 allows of a total of 13 intervals. 
  • Bike | 1km/900m per 2:00 
  • Row | 500m/450m per 2:00 
  • Snatch | Light to moderate. 20 per 2:00 

The One | Teaching Focus 
  • Hips to hands 
  • For both the rower and the DB snatch we’re focused on the timing of reaching full extension of the legs and hips before recruiting the arms in the pull. On the rower athletes should finish the drive with the legs, open the hips, and then pull the handle. In the DB snatch athletes should reach full extension of the knees and hips before pulling the DB overhead. Cue "Hips First, Then Pull", "Extend Before You Bend", "Jump and Shrug”, "Drive Through Your Heels", "Float the Dumbbell”. 



  • Reduce distance
  • 1600m Run 
  • 1600m Ski


  • Reduce distance
  • 1600m Run 
  • 1600m Ski

DB Snatch 

  • Reduce load 
  • Reduce volume 
  • Hang snatch 

  • For today’s workout you’ll want to allow athletes to fill up each station based on the number of bikes and rowers you have access to. Since the timeframes for each should be very similar, athletes should be able to transition from station to station without having to wait on any equipment. It would be beneficial to leave 1-2 machines open per station to accommodate athletes that may finish ahead or behind the group. 
  • If athletes complete a station within the 2:00 working interval they can move on to the next station within that same window of work. 


Whiteboard Brief (3 Minutes) (0-3)
  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
General Warm Up (4 Minutes) (3-7)
  • Tabata flow :20 on / :10 off 
  • Arm circles 
  • Arm wraps 
  • Inchworms 
  • Knuckle draggers 
  • Knee pulls 
  • Quad pulls 
  • Scissor kicks 
  • Samsons R 
  • Samsons L 
  • Plank to toe touch  

Specific Warm Up (9 Minutes) (7-16)

Row | tell, show, do, check 

  • :30 efforts with varied focus 
  • The goal here is to teach timing. Legs and hips first, then pull. 
  1. Legs only
  2. Legs + hips open
  3. Legs + hips + pull 
  4. Full pull

DB Snatch | tell, show, do, check 

  • Establish set up with DB between the feet
  • Alternating DB deadlift + shrug 
  1. Focus on timing of squeezing legs and glutes then shrugging 
  • Alternating DB high pull 
  1. Focus on timing of full extension before pull the the elbow high and outside 
  • Alternating DB push press 
  1. Focus on timing of fully extending the legs and hips before driving the DB overhead 
  2. Pause in OH position to check DB position 
  • Alternating DB snatch 
  1. Focus on timing and DB position 

Primer (6 Minutes) (16-22)
  • Practice Round 
  1. 500m bike 
  2. 250m row 
  3. 10 Alternating dB snatch 
  4. Should take :60 or less each
  • Break
  • Workout adjustments if needed

Workout (38 Minutes) (22-69)

Look For 

  • Bike | Look for pacing. If athletes are significantly off the target distance, encourage modifying the distance. 
  • Row | Timing of the pull. Cue athletes to finish the drive with the legs and to open the hips before pulling with the arms. Cue "Hips First, Then Pull", 
  • DB Snatch | Timing of the pull. Cue athletes to finish the jump before pulling and punch the DB overhead. Cue"Extend Before You Bend", "Jump and Shrug”, "Drive Through Your Heels", "Float the Dumbbell”. 

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (60)


Home Workout  [DBs & jump rope]

For Time [38 Minute Cap]: 

1 Mile run 

100 Burpees 

100 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 

Performed As Intervals: 

2 Minute Work 

1 Minute Rest


“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do”. - C.G. Jung

With the advent of social media and reddit forums, talk is cheap. Sitting in the comfort of a chair, at home, many will talk. Few however, will actually do.

Spending our breath on words is wasted effort, and is always better spent on action. The only measurable difference between the armchair quarterback, and the actual quarterback.

“I can’t hear what you’re saying, because your actions speak so loudly.”

When was the last time you said you were going to do something, but didn’t actually follow through? What stopped you from taking action?

After Party 

3 Sets 

6 Single DB OH box step ups right 

6 single DB OH box step ups left 

8 Single DB RDL each leg