
Sep 15

Don't Sweat It

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"Don't Sweat It" 

On the Minute x 32 [8 Rounds]: 

Minute 1: Bike Erg Calories 

Minute 2: AbMat Sit-ups 

Minute 3: Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35)'s

Minute 4: Rest

REPEAT FROM 03/03/24 

"Sunday Runday" 

Run 2-3 Miles

KG | N/A


13-15 & 55+ (35/25)’s

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


Get ready to revisit a comprehensive workout that tests your endurance, strength, and core stability. This 32-minute session consists of eight rounds, each spanning four minutes. The fourth minute in each round is your chance to rest and recover.  Focus on maintaining a consistent pace throughout, as your score will be determined by the lowest number of calories, sit-ups completed, and bench presses achieved in any round. This means your weakest round sets your score, so push for consistency in every minute. Use


Lowest Calories + Sit-ups + Bench


  • Bike | Consistent moderate effort.
  • Sit Up | Unbroken set
  • DB Bench | Unbroken set

The One | Teaching Focus

Controlled Movement and Engagement

  • Our focus today is mastering control and muscle engagement during the dumbbell bench press. This exercise demands not just pushing strength, but also precise control to manage two separate weights effectively. Emphasizing a slow, controlled descent and a strong, deliberate press enhances muscle activation across the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while also improving stability and symmetry in strength development. Maintaining a slight squeeze towards the center as if trying to crush a grape between the dumbbells will further engage the chest muscles.



  • Sub any machine


  • Lying leg raises
  • Hollow Rocks


  • Reduce loading
  • DB floor press
  • Single DB crush grip press
  • Push ups


Athletes can start on different sections, and rotate through if you do not have enough bikes/benches.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0 - 3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3 - 9 minutes)

General flow (0:20 each or written times)

  • Light Bike (2 minutes)
  • Jumping Jacks 
  • Arm Circles 
  • Push-Ups - 
  • Dynamic Planks 
  • Leg Raises 
  • Spidermans 
  • Inchworms .
  • Glute Bridges 
  • Air Squats 
  • Scap Push-Ups 
  • Shoulder Taps

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9 - 21 minutes)

DB Bench | tell, show, do, check

Establish Grip, Position, & Set-Up

  • Grip: Hold the dumbbells with a neutral or slightly rotated grip, depending on comfort.
  • Position on Bench: Lie back with feet flat on the floor, a slight arch in the lower back, and dumbbells held directly above the chest.

5 Light Dumbbell Chest Presses

  • Start with very light dumbbells to warm up the muscles and joints.

Scapular Retraction Exercise

  • Perform 5 reps of pulling the shoulder blades together while lying on the bench without weights to engage the stabilizing muscles.

3 Cued DB Bench Presses with “Press and Pause"

  • Pause at Top: Briefly pause at the top of each press to focus on stabilizing the weights and maintaining control.
  • Focus on Even Pressing: Encourage athletes to press evenly with both arms to keep the dumbbells level and stable.

Sit Up | tell, show, do, check

0:20 leg raises

  • Lying on the back, keeping the legs straight

0:20 russian twists

  • Athletes should be keeping the core squeezed through all reps

0:20 hollow body rocks

  • Cue athletes to push the low part of the back into the ground, and feet squeezed

0:20 ab mat sit ups

  • Look for full range of motion.  As athletes go back they should get a full stretch in the midline, and squeeze the abs tight as they sit all the way up.

(21-33 minutes)

(33-39 minutes)

(21 - 27 minutes)

Practice Round

  • :20 bike
  • :20 sit up
  • :20 DB bench
  • Break

Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(27 - 59 minutes)

Look For:

Bike | Encourage a lower damper today and a higher stroke rate.  The bike is not meant to be a max effort, but a smooth pace that allows for consistency throughout all our movements. 

Ab mat sit up | Full range of motion in our reps.  Shoulder blades should touch the ground each rep, and shoulders pass the hip crease at the top.

DB bench press | We want full range of motion here.  One head of the DB should touch the shoulder, and locked out arms at the top.  If athletes are having difficulty stabilizing the DBs, lets go down to a load we can better control.

Accessory Work

Gun Show 


3x10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 


3x30 Banded Tricep Pressdowns

Rest 1 Minute Between All Sets 

Additional Elements

Ivy Baker Priest 

"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning." - What seems like an ending is often the start of something new; life is full of cycles and opportunities for renewal.

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