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"Mind Eraser" [BENCHMARK]

10 Rounds For Time: 

7 Power Cleans (135/95) 

7 Burpees 

200 Meter Run 

Time Cap: 25 Minutes

Repeat from 07/21/23

KG | (61/43)


Same as class.

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


This is a repeat from June or last year, but this time we're going for 10 rounds for time instead of an AMRAP of 20:00. In this low rep, higher round workout, athletes will be challenged to pick a pace they can sustain throughout all 10 rounds without feeling the need to stop or slow down. Can you make your last round match the timing of the first round?


Score | Time to complete work. Add 1s per rep not completed if time capped.


Power Cleans | Reps should take less than :45 to complete each round.

Burpees | Reps should take less than :45 to complete each round. 

Run | Each run should take less than 1:15 to complete each round.

The One | Teaching Focus

Burpee pacing

The arms are the pacer for the burpees.  The faster they get to the ground, the faster we will move.  The slower we get them to the floor, the slower we can move.  We want to be quick off the floor, while allowing our arms to pace us.



Reduce Loading/Reps 
Hang Power Cleans 
Sub Dumbbells
Sub Kettlebell Hang Power Cleans
Sub Deadlifts (Light to Moderate)


Reduce Reps 
1:00 Cap 
7 Calories On Any Machine
No Push-up Burpees
Push-ups Only


250/225m Row 
200/180m Ski 
500/450m Bike 
12/10 Calorie Assault/Echo Bike
1:00 Hard Effort on Air Runner/Treadmill


Use the 200m runs as your pacer each round, slow your breathing and shake out those arms. Run at a pace that will allow you to stick to your timing on the power cleans and burpees.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

Line Drill warm up 25’ each

  • Shuttle run (x2)
  • Knee pulls + calf raise
  • Quad pulls
  • Knuckle draggers
  • Shuttle run (x2)
  • Standing figure 4
  • Soldier kicks
  • Lunge + reach
  • Shuttle run (x2)
  • A skips
  • High knees
  • Butt kicks

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-19 minutes)

Power Clean | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish power clean set up
  • Hip-width stance 
  • Hands just outside shoulders with full grip on the bar 
  • Bar in contact with shins 
  • Hips down 
  • Shoulders slightly over the bar
  • 3 High hang power cleans
  • Emphasize being quick under the bar, fast elbows
  • 3 Hang power cleans
  • Look for athletes to fully extend the hips, before being fast under the bar.
  • 3 Power cleans
  • Look for both the hip extension, and speed under the bar.

Burpee | tell, show, do, check

  • :15 slow step back step up burpees 
  • :15 jump back step up burpees 
  • :15 jump back jump up burpees
  • Land with feet flat 

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(19-25 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 3 Power Cleans 
  • 3 Burpees 
  • 100m Run


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(25-50 minutes)

Look For

  • Run | We are looking to hit a target time frame today with each run, while also trying to maintain a steady pace.  The run shouldn't exhaust us, but we need to hit the stimulus.  Encourage athletes to scale distance if needed.
  • Power Clean | athletes should be able to move quickly through the power cleans today, if they are struggling with speed on the barbell they should pull back the weight.
  • Burpee | Look for the hands to be the pacer for the burpees today.  The faster they get their hands to the floor, the faster they can move through the burpees.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (50-60)

Accessory Work

Aerobic Capacity

30-60 Minute Bike Erg (RPE 2-3)

Additional Elements

Have questions?

Reach out!

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