5 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
Same as class.
This is a repeat from 6.12.2023. Athletes should aim to complete this workout at their threshold pace. Can you complete every round of overhead squats unbroken?
Time to complete work.
Run | Completed in 2:15 or less each round.
Overhead Squat | Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM overhead squat. Barbell should be light enough to complete every round in less than 1:00 and in 1-2 sets.
Always Pressing
Today we want to cue athletes to “always be pressing” the bar throughout the overhead squat rep. Maintaining an active shoulder by constantly pressing up into the bar will improve athlete’s stability and safety in the OHS.
Reduce Distance
500/400m Row
400/300m Ski
1000/800m Bike
300m Air Run
Reduce Reps/Loading
Use PVC, Squatting to A Target
Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats
Front Squats
22 Air Squats
Today be sure to have clear run routes in and out of the gym. Try to make it efficient for athletes to get to their barbell and back out of the door. Take into account safety as athletes are running in and out.
Whiteboard Brief
General Flow
Line Drills
Overhead Squat | tell, show, do, check
5 second down, 2 second hold
5 Second down, 1 second hold
3 second down
Focus on stacked position
Cue “Press up & through the ceiling”
Practice Round
Workout adjustments if needed
Look For
Pacing. If athletes are significantly slower than the 2:15 target time, encourage them to scale for the following rounds.
Maintaining an active shoulder by constantly pressing up into the bar will improve athlete’s stability and safety in the OHS.
Lethal Legs
5 Sets:
30 Seconds Standing Bike Erg
1 Minute Wall Sit
30 Seconds Rest Between Rounds