
Apr 2

The Admiral [BENCHMARK]

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"The Admiral" [BENCHMARK]

3 Rounds For Time:

20 Burpee Pull-ups

20 Front Squats (155/105)

20 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Time Cap: 25 Minutes

KG | (70/47)


Same as class workout

For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


The Admiral may only be 3 rounds, but packs a serious punch! These are big sets of each of these movements and it can be easy to get carried away too early and burn into the finish gassed. This piece is one of the toughest that we do, it tests both your physical ability and your mental ability to stay focused on the task at hand and not let those big set numbers make you think you aren't moving fast enough in rounds 1 and 2. That feeling is a trap!


Score | Total time to complete work


Burpee Pull Ups |  3:00 or less
Front Squats |  Moderate to Heavy. 3 Sets or less.
Box Jumps | 2:00 or less

The One | Teaching Focus

Elbows high
The teaching focus for today’s workout is to maintain high elbows throughout the front squats. By doing so, athletes will improve the efficiency and safety of their movement. High elbows will serve to keep the torso upright and the bar over the frontal plane.


Burpee Pull Ups
Reduce Reps/Bar Height
Burpees to A Target
Regular Burpees
2:00 Effort on Any Machine

Front Squats
Reduce Loading
Reduce Reps
Sub Dumbbells
40 Air Squats

Box Jumps
Reduce Reps
Reduce Box Height
Box Step-Ups
30 Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunges


If you have a large class and need to manage limited space, you can allow athletes to share rig space, barbells, or boxes by starting them at varied stations. However, it’s ideal to maintain the stimulus of the workout by performing it in the originally designed order. To do this, you can also run multiple heats and stagger start times by around 2:30-3:00.

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0-3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Provide workout overview
  • Review stimulus notes
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3-9 minutes)

General Flow :20 - :30 each

  • Bootstrap
  • Downward dog
  • Pigeon right
  • Downward dog
  • Pigeon left
  • Step ups
  • Air squats
  • Quick ups (no push up burpee)
  • Quick ups w/ max vertical jump
  • Box jump

CT Barbell Flow :15 - :20 each

  • Goodmornings
  • Back squat
  • Elbow rotations
  • Press & reach
  • Stiff leg deadlifts
  • Front squats

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9-21 minutes)

Burpee Pull Up | tell, show, do, check

  • :10 Deadhang
  • :10 Scap pull ups
  • :10 Kips
    Focus on a shallow, controlled, tight kip
  • 2x :10 Kip swings
    Focus on the swing being controlled by the shoulders/lats
  • 5 Jumping negative pull ups
    Sub ring rows if needed
  • Demonstrate efficient burpee pull up
    Jump to kipping option
    Jump into strict pull up option
  • 3 Workout reps

Front Squat | tell, show, do, check

  • Establish stance & grip
    Shoulder-width stance
    Hands just outside shoulders
    Loose fingertip grip on the bar
    Elbows high (upper arm parallel to the ground)
    Midline is braced
  • 3 cued ¼ Squat & Hold
    Focus on high elbows in set up and hold
  • 3 cued Squat & hold
    Focus on high elbows throughout the rep and in the bottom position
  • 2 Cued Squat & Hold
    Focus on leading with the elbows as the athlete stands
  • Build to workout weight

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(21-27 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 5 Burpee pull ups
  • 5 Front squats
  • 5 Box jumps


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(27-52 minutes)

Look For

Burpee Pull Up


Guide athletes to be as efficient as possible by their step up out of the burpee being the step into their jumping pull up.  

Front Squats

Elbows high.

Focus on the performance point of lifting the elbows throughout the front squat. Cue athletes to lead with their elbows as they stand

Box Jumps

Landing tall.

Cue athletes to land tall on the box rather than landing in a deep squat position.

  • Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (52-60 Minutes)

Accessory Work

Additional Elements

Home Workout

3 Rounds For Time:
20 Alternating single DB devils press
20 Double DB front squats
200m run
Time Cap: 25 Minutes


"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fate puts opportunity in front of us.
Destiny is the result of what we choose to do with it.

In turn, destiny is a choice. Not some predetermined thing of fairy tales and lore. We can sit and allow destiny to happen to us, or we can choose to have destiny happen for us.

Don’t wait to be chosen. Choose.
Decisions = Destiny.

After Party

4 Sets
12 Mixed rack alternating lunges
*1DB in front rack, 1 DB overhead
*2 sets with DB OH right and then left

Have questions?

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