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"The Dinghy" 

8 Rounds: 

250/225 Meter Row 

200 Meter Run

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds 

"Sunday Runday" 

Beginner: Run 2 Miles

Intermediate: Run 2.5 Miles

Score: Completed

Target Stimulus: Zone 2 [RPE 2-4]


13-15 & 55+ | Same as class



For the Coach

Resource Drive

Workout Overview


Today as all Sundays go, RPE is a 2-3, so we are not looking to empty the tank here.  We want to focus on consistent quality work.  Overall we are looking for about 2:00 of work and 1:00 of rest each round. 


Score: Time


Target Score: 18-25 Minutes 

Stimulus: Recovery [RPE 2-3]

Row: About 1:00

Run: About 1:00

The One | Teaching Focus

Keep the seat from your feet 

This teaching focus emphasizes the "catch" position of the rower sequence. In this position the athlete should be targeting a sound "a frame" created by the legs through the position between the seat of the rower and the foot pads. This position is most optimal for a lower body push to generate force in the drive sequence of the rower. Athletes often bring the seat all the way to their heels, creating an inefficient position to drive from.



250/225 METER ROW

1:30 Time Cap
200/180m Ski
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
500/450m Bike Erg
200m Run
150m AirRunner
16 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)

200M RUN

1:15 Time Cap
250/225m Row
200/180m Ski
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
500/450m Bike Erg
1:00 Moderate Effort on Treadmill/Runner
16 Shuttle Runs (1 rep = 10m)
15 Burpees


Use any of the other machine rub Mods
20 Box Step-ups
75 Double Unders / 100 Single Unders
50 Mountain Climbers (Per Side)


If machines need to be shared, have one group start on the run and the other start on the row. Or, start a group 2:00 behind the first. 

Lesson Plan
(0-3 minutes)

(0 - 3 minutes)

Whiteboard Brief

  • Refer to coaches stimulus notes
  • Provide workout overview & stimulus
  • Provide mods & subs overview
  • Ask for injuries & limitations

General Warm-Up
(3-9 minutes)

(3 - 9 minutes)

General Flow

  • Jumping Jacks (1 minute)
  • World’s Greatest Stretch
  • Lateral Shuffles
  • Scorpions
  • Glute Bridges
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Dynamic Toe Touches
  • Bear Crawls
  • Standing Arm Crossovers
  • High Knees
  • 200m Run

Specific Warm-Up
(9-21 minutes)

(9 - 14 minutes)

Row | tell, show, do, check 

  • Establish catch and finish positions 
  • Catch with flat back, heels down, and vertical shins. 
  • Finish with the handle at sternum and slightly open hips 
  • Explain SPM and 500/m split and tell athletes where to look on the screen 
  • :20 @ SPM of 32-35
  • Focus on 500m/split 
  • :20 @ SPM of 27-30
  • Maintain same 500m/split 
  • :20 @ SPM of 23-26 
  • Maintain same 500m/split 
  • Help athletes understand that this is the most efficient way to complete the row today

(21-33 minutes)


(33-39 minutes)

(14 - 20 minutes)

Practice Round

  • 2 rounds:
  • 100m Row
  • 100m Run


Workout adjustments if needed

(39-55 minutes)

(20 - 50 minutes)

Look For

  • Both Movements: Find a steady pace that is repeatable, and allows us to maintain an effort of RPE 2-3.

Post Workout Clean Up & Chat (50-60)

Accessory Work


For Quality: 

2-3 Mile Ruck 

Men: 30-60 Pounds

Women: 20-45 Pounds


Byron Pulsifer 

"Patience is a virtue but you will never ever accomplish anything if you don't exercise action over patience."

Patience is important, but it must be balanced with decisive action to achieve your goals.

Additional Elements

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